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The Health Facts and Benefits of Cabbage- Beauty Tips Included

Cabbage is a green leafy vegetable, which has got many health benefits and helps us in building our immune system strong. It has got the high content of vitamins and Sulphur, which help in providing energy levels to the body. It is grown all over the world and is available in various varieties. So in this article let us briefly discuss the cabbage nutrition and also about all the cabbage health benefits.  There are various cabbage types based on the region they are cultivated and also based on the climatic conditions where they have been grown.

All About the Benefits of Cabbage Health and Skin Care

The cabbage types are;

  • Napa Cabbage
  • Red Cabbage
  • Green Cabbage
  • Savoy Cabbage
  • Bok choy
  • Brussel Sprouts

And the cabbage which we consume in India is generally green cabbage. It looks like a bomb, a huge bomb. It consists of many essential nutrients and vitamins in it. So it is better you are aware of all of them and start having cabbage in your diet to acquire all the benefits of cabbage. Now let us move to the cabbage nutrition, that is about the nutrients present in the cabbage.

Cabbage Nutrition

The nutritional value of cabbage is considered to be very high as it provides the rich source of nutrients in it.  They help in strengthening up our immune system which helps us to fight against various infections and make us strong. Let us discuss all the nutrients present in the cabbage that is the cabbage nutrition is here for you in the below;

Name Amount (in 100grams)
Calories 25
Total Fat 0.1g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 18mg
Potassium 170mg
Total Carbohydrate 6g
Proteins 1.3g

From the table in the above we are clear about the nutrient contents present in the cabbage, let us briefly discuss them in the following;

There is very less fat content in the cabbage, it is almost negligible. We can say there is no fat content in the cabbage which will be helpful for lowering the cholesterol levels. There is no cholesterol content also in the cabbage nutrition.

It contains minerals like sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and calcium which help in strengthening up our body from inside as well as outside the body.  They help in providing various health benefits of cabbage.

It also contains dietary fiber and sugar in its nutrition which helps in providing easy digestion to the body and also controls the blood pressure. The nutritional value of cabbage is considered to be high because of the presence of essential nutrients in it like Vitamins and minerals.

It contains Vitamins like C, A, D, B12, B6 which help in providing various health benefits of cabbage. They help in maintaining the health as well as for the beauty care and skin care. It will help in preventing hair loss and also help in weight loss.

Let us discuss the health benefits of cabbage in the following, so with this, you must be clear about the cabbage nutrition that is about all the nutrients present in the cabbage and you must be clear about the nutritional value of cabbage by now.

Health Benefits of Cabbage – Hit List for Benefits of Cabbage.

After reading the cabbage nutrition you must be clear about the nutritional value of the cabbage. So with the presence of all these nutrients, there are few cabbage benefits towards health. Let us briefly discuss them in the following;

Cabbage as Detoxifier;

Cabbage acts as a detoxifier to your body, it will help in curing various infections and also will help you in strengthening your immune system to stay away from infections. It provides many antitoxins which help in fighting against the various toxins in our body. This is because of the presence of sulfur and Vitamin C in the cabbage nutrition. It will help in making your body pure from inside by removing all the toxins and is the best detoxifier. So it is important to have cabbage in your diet.

Cabbage and Cancer

Cancer Prevention

Cabbage has got many anti-cancer properties which help in preventing cancer. They contain few substances which help in stimulating the enzyme activities and also will help in killing the cancer cells. There have been patients who have had a miracle recovery from cancer but they were at the beginning stages of cancer, so they were easily cured by having a proper healthy diet and cabbage was included in that. So having cabbage in your diet would provide you with various health benefits. So be aware of all this and start acting according to it.

Uniform Blood Pressure

Blood pressure

The one other main benefits of cabbage are, it helps in maintaining the blood pressure uniform and also will help in blood flow to various parts in the body. This is because of the potassium content present in the cabbage. It will help in the betterment of the blood vessels and is very helpful in maintaining the blood pressure. So it’s better you add cabbage to your diet to acquire the various health benefits of cabbage.

Brain Boosting Food


Cabbage is considered to be the brain boosting food, which will help in improvising the brain function. This is of the important cabbage benefits. It will help in increasing the concentration of an individual and also will enhance the way of thinking. This is due to the presence of vitamin K in the cabbage and it will help you from preventing various brain problems and you will have a long lasting memory because of the presence of various essential nutrients in the cabbage nutrition. So it is very important for you to start having these types of food in your diet to obtain all the benefits of cabbage and remain healthy and away from infections.

Cabbage acts as Sulphur supplement

Sulfur plays an important role in healing wounds and fighting against various infections. Cabbage provides the high content of sulfur which will help in performing the above functions and this will also help in preventing the diseases like deficiency of sulfur and will help you stay away from infections. It will help in quick healing of the wounds and also will help in fighting off various infections, so start having a healthy diet to remain healthy.

Prevents Constipation

Cabbage also helps in preventing a minor big time problem like constipation, due to the presence of fiber in the cabbage nutrition, it will help in easy digestion of the food which will prevent problems like constipation and also stomach pain. So by having cabbage in your diet you can prevent constipation, think about it.

Cabbage Vs. Scurvy

Cabbage has got large amounts of Vitamin C, which will help in the treatment for scurvy and also preventing that disease. Scurvy is a disease caused by the lack of vitamin C in the body. It will lead to bleeding in the gums and also weakened the immune system. This will give a welcome note to various infections, so you have to start intake of the rich source of vitamin C. Cabbage works as a remedy here, it will help in providing you with the vitamin C content which will help in strengthening up your immune system and also acting like a preventive step for the scurvy.

Improves Eye Vision

Eye Health

It is proved that the cabbage helps in improving the eye sight of an individual and also will help you to reduce the risk of suffering the eye infections. This is because of the presence of beta-carotene, which will help in enhancing the eye health of a person. So it is advised to take cabbage in your diet to stay away from such infections and remain healthy.

Prevents Bone Weakening

Cabbage helps in the strengthening of your bones and will enhance the growth of the bones. This is due to the presence of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. They help in the strengthening of the bones and will help them grow. This will help you in maintaining the bone health in your body. So by inculcating the cabbage in your diet, you can acquire various benefits of cabbage towards health.

Acts as Pain Killers for Muscle Aches

Cabbage acts as a painkiller for muscle aches. It will help in curing the muscle soreness and will help in providing the pain relief to the muscle tissues. So it is important for you to follow it in order to avoid aches.

With all these, we have clearly discussed the health benefits of the cabbage and by now you must be clear about the benefits of cabbage and it is important for you to add cabbage to your diet to acquire health benefits and also stay away from various infections.

Benefits of Cabbage for Skin

Not only towards health, but the benefits of cabbage are there for skin also. By following these tips, you can maintain and take care of your skin health. Let us discuss the benefits of cabbage for skin briefly in the following;

Skin Glow

Glowing Skin

Helps in removing excess oils from the skin and this will enhance the skin tone and will provide the glowing look to your skin. So it is important to have such foods in your diet which help in providing the glow to your skin tissues.


Helps in Treating Acne and Boils on Skin

Cabbage will also help in preventing acne. If you are going through beauty parlors and skin treatments for acne, it is better you start eating few types of food which will help you cure yourself at home. These are called as the natural remedies for treating acne, just by eating food which has got high nutritional values towards skin care.

Prevents Aging

Anti-Aging Properties

Cabbage has got many antioxidants which will help in preventing wrinkles on your face and with no wrinkles on the face, it will prevent aging. You will be having looks younger irrespective of your age. So it is important to follow these tips when you are clear about the benefits.

All this is because of the presence of vitamin C, Sulphur content and also anthocyanin which help in taking care of the skin and maintain the skin health by also providing you with the above-mentioned benefits. It is important for you to start following the diet because a diet is what which makes and breaks you, so take care of it and make sure your diet has got essential nutrients which will help you to stay away from various diseases and also strengthen your immune system.

What did We Learn from the Article?

After reading this article about the benefits of cabbage, you must be clear about the cabbage nutrition that is about all the nutrients present in the cabbage. We have also studied the benefits of cabbage towards health, so by adding the cabbage to your diet you can stay away from various infections and strengthen your immune system. We have also discussed the benefits of cabbage for skin with which you can maintain your looks irrespective of your age. So think about it, everything is in your hands. Making you aware is my job but implementing it is completely on you.